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Category: Coffee
Product Code : 85490
Price 525฿

17 September 2024

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Stay calm at home and enjoy our specialty coffee beans! Available in 5 flavors in varying roast levels and tasting notes.

1. Soho (Medium - Dark Roast)
        Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate / Brown Sugar / Floral

2. Manhattan (Medium - Dark Roast)
        Tasting Notes: Milk Chocolate / Caramel / Hazelnut

3. Bella Italia (Dark Roast)
        Tasting Notes: Cocoa / Toasted Nuts / Caramel

4. Paris to New York (Dark Roast)
        Tasting Notes: Molasses / Caramel / Dark Chocolate

5. Brooklyn Blues (Dark Roast)
        Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate / Hazelnut / Blackcurrant


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